Shipping costs

The shipping costs include:
-Shipping by means of bulky goods transportation
-ALL customs duties and fees (there will be no additional costs after receiving the package).

The shipping costs are calculated on the basis of experience and may therefore vary slightly, especially in the initial period after the launch of the webshop.

If you live in a country we have never delivered we don't know about the shipping costs. We will deliver to your door step, but we need to check the prices first. Please contact us:

A maximum of three snowboards or one pair of skis can be sent in one package. If your order exceeds this shipping volume, a second shipping fee will automatically be charged.

Australia:  CHF 372
Belgium:  CHF 146
Bulgaria:  CHF 170
Denmark:  CHF 146
Germany:  CHF 146
Finland:  CHF 192
France:  CHF 146
Greece:  CHF 146
United Kingdom:  CHF 175
Ireland:  CHF 146
Italy:  CHF 146
Canada:  CHF 240
New Zealand:  CHF 372
Netherlands:  CHF 146
Norway:  CHF 146
Austria:  CHF 146
Poland:  CHF 170
Portugal:  CHF 146
Sweden:  CHF 146
Spain:  CHF 146
USA:  CHF 210
Czech Republic:  CHF 172
United Arab Emirates:  CHF 340