With C-Sink Sports & Oxess: Ride the future and do something good for the climate!
Snowboarding means freedom, adrenaline and perfection - but also responsibility. With the C-Sink Sports snowboards from Oxess, you not only experience improved performance, but also become part of a new era: a movement for climate protection.
The snowboards of the official C-Sink Sports racers have been climate-neutral since the beginning of the collaboration, as all greenhouse gas emissions generated during production are offset by the use of permanent carbon sinks in accordance with Carbon Standards. From spring 2025, regularly sold boards bearing the C-Sink label will also be climate-neutral and all emissions from the production of the boards to their home delivery will be offset.
It's time to take a closer look at Carbon Standards and show how your Oxess snowboard contributes to a great vision for climate protection.
Carbon Standards - the vision and the mission
Humans, animals, nature and the environment are in balance. Humanity has a careful approach to natural resources and uses intelligent systems and measures to achieve balanced carbon cycles. We create a positive balance between the emission of greenhouse gases and the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere, thereby stopping global warming.Carbon Standards International develops standards and system solutions for climate-positive agriculture, forestry and industry and upstream, and downstream sectors.
Carbon Standards International develops standards and system solutions for climate-positive agriculture, forestry and industry. With its wide range of services, it stands for quality, reliability and measurable climate benefits. Carbon Standards International makes a significant contribution to achieving balanced carbon cycles and a climate-neutral society. With the Global C-Sink certificates, we are a leader in the development and introduction of climate technologies for agriculture and forestry, as well as for buildings and road construction and, last but not least, for composite materials such as snowboards and skis.
More Info :
Carbon Standards – Your Partner in Climate and Biochar
Ride Climate Neutral. Ride Oxess C-Sink.